You, your health and wellness is Bluewave’s top priority
The safety and health of our customers, and employees are of utmost importance as we, at the Bluewave Center, adhere to COVID-19 policies and mandates from federal, state and local authorities.
We are committed to the best way to serve you, so we monitor industry and various federal and state guidelines such as:
Franchisee/Gym Protocol
- All safety guidelines will be made available upon entrance, throughout the gym, and via digital platforms.
- Video monitoring of clubs will be implemented to ensure protocols are being followed.
Staff will:
- Be trained in our safety and cleaning standards and regulations;
- Be strongly encouraged to wear masks and gloves at all times whenever provisions are available;
- Know our rooms capacity restrictions and how to monitor and enforce it; and
- No employees will share small offices or be in enclosed spaces within 6 feet of each other.
- Strategic scheduling will be implemented to minimize the number of staff members who work together.
- A strict stay at home policy for any employees exhibiting symptoms and a reporting process for confirmed and/or potential COVID-19 contraction will be implemented.
Social Distancing
- Adherence to CDC distancing guidelines, maintaining 6 feet of distance in all gym rooms and activities;
- Gym capacity limited to a certain number of people (per instance: 5 people per 1,000 square feet) or as required by local mandates;
- No contact training and no equipment sharing training sessions;
- Social distancing signage;
Enhanced Cleaning & Sanitation Protocols
- Medical-grade cleaning products and hand sanitizers available throughout facility;
- Require hand washing before and after services/workout;
- Increase disinfectant stations with hand sanitizer available in lobby and throughout the facility whenever provisions are available
- Pre/post-use wipe down protocol on all equipment (including office equipment) as well as updating member processes to educate on cleaning and sanitation.
Detailed in-depth and frequent cleaning checklist:
- Full facility will be cleaned thoroughly every 3 hours with medical-grade product, including equipment and all surfaces during staffed hours
- Bathrooms cleaned every 2 hours during staffed hours.
- Water fountains for refilling water bottles only.
- No equipment sharing will be allowed.
As West Virginia continues to safely reopen, we welcome you and look forward to the opportunity to collectively work with local officials to find the best ways to open, serve and employ those in our communities.
We also ask for you to please do your part:
- Stay away from groups or crowds;
- Wash your hands frequently;
- Get fresh air and sunshine whenever possible;
- Keep your body and mind active
- Contact your health care provider if you begin to develop any flu-like symptoms.